570 445-3261



Advanced Wildlife Management, is your local Wildlife Removal and Animal Control Company specializing in Humane Animal Removal! We provide full-service nuisance animal removal services throughout all of northeastern Pennsylvania. We specialize in the removal and control of wild, nuisance, and pest animals from your Pennsylvania home and attic. We perform Animal Removal and Wildlife Control services on nuisance animals including, but not limited to, Squirrels, Bats, Snakes, Mice, Rats, Bees, Moles, Gophers, Skunks, Raccoons, Possums, and Birds. We are experts in the field of Animal Control and Wildlife Removal in Pennsylvania, everyone on staff is fully educated and properly trained in the field of wildlife biology. We service all areas of Northeastern, Pennsylvania
Wildlife Animal Removal in Pennsylvania is closely regulated by Animal Control to ensure the humane and proper treatment of the wild animals being removed. Before you hire any animal removal professionals you should check to make sure they have the proper licensing and paperwork from the County and State and that they have the proper insurance to perform work on your home. The most common calls for nuisance critter removal are squirrel removal, raccoon removal, possum removal, rodent removal, and our specialty BAT REMOVAL. We are Northeastern, Pennsylvania's local Wildlife Control & Animal Removal Specialists.
Bat removal in Pennsylvania is extremely important and often both difficult and dangerous and should only be performed by a wildlife expert like ADVANCED WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT. Bats are LESS plentiful in Pennsylvania due to white-nose syndrome however bats can be found in all buildings, homes, churches, businesses, stores, restaurants, apartment complexes, essentially any structure in You should call ADVANCED WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT for the humane removal of the bats, bat control, a full cleaning and sanitation of your attic against the diseases bats carry and sealing of all entry points created by the bats. At ADVANCED WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT we specialize in bat removal and offer a guarantee on our work here in NEPA.

It is very common in Pennsylvania for our Advanced Wildlife Management team to have frequent squirrel removal calls in the spring and fall, squirrels can create problems for homeowners at any time of the year. Squirrels are more than a nuisance throughout all of Pennsylvania. They will chew on wires, electrical and security systems, they will make holes in the walls, they will chew on the air conditioning ducting, and their nests can clog roof vents creating fire hazards. Squirrels poop in your attic. If you think you have squirrels in your attic in Pennsylvania you should call Advanced Wildlife Management immediately for an inspection and removal.
Pennsylvania Squirrel Removal

Pennsylvania Bat Removal
If you have signs of raccoons in your Pennsylvania attic, or inside your home, or around your property, call Advanced Wildlife Management to humanly trap & remove the raccoon, We will also Close all the Access points to the home, and clean the attic where the raccoon may have left behind contaminated feces and urine.
Pennsylvania Raccoon Removal