Advanced Wildlife Management, experts in the removal of unwanted Mice humane and safe manner from both commercial and residential structures. AWM then uses top of the line materials to seal up ALL entry points to prevent further entry from the Mice. Once our work is complete a warranty is issued which protects our clients if there is a reoccuring problem with mice in the future.
Advanced Wildlife Management can rid you of your Mice problems via our specialized humane eviction and trapping procedures. We then perform repair work to provide a permanent solution to the the problem with the mice. In severe cases we may recommend removal of saturated insulation and fecal matter, Ask about our attic Deoderization & cleanup services. If you have mice in your structure, give us a call we can remove the mice and properly perform a highly permanent and professional exclusion (Guaranteed or we keep coming back).
? Remember, Mice removal is an extensive process that should ONLY be carried out be an experianced and licensed specialist.
The first step would be to give AdvancedWildlife Management a call to perform A Thorough Mouse Inspection to determine the severity of the problem.

570 800-2345
Our Mice Services:
-Mice Removal
-Mice Exclusion
-Cleanup From Mice
-Mice Living In The Attic
-Insulation Removal/Installation.
-Mice Living In The House
-Mice Odor Remediation
-Mice Stuck In Wall